milestones | 9 months

10:35 PM

somehow NINE months hit and clark decided to just do the rest of the baby stuff all at once. this seems to just be the way things go with him. he went from this super sleepy newborn who really didn't do much up until five or so months to all of a sudden, boom, rolling, crawling, teeth, solids...and this month he went ahead and finished the rest of it (aside from the whole sleeping through the night thing).

here's what he is doing...
  • claps
  • blows kisses
  • has nearly five teeth
  • uses a straw
  • drinks from a sippy
  • pretty much has said so long to the purees, bring on the finger foods!
  • gives kisses
  • climbs in and out of big brother's bed
  • WALKS (say what!?) this technically started at the end of him being 8 months

and in case you missed it (i shared this over on my instagram account) here's a super cute video of those first few steps! i could watch it 100 times. lucky for my mom she was here to witness it and totally instigated it. it was the sweetest.



10:33 PM


 "a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015" 

holland: your happy place

clark: you've officially conquered your brother's bed, and i cannot keep you out of it. lucky for you, he doesn't seem to mind



10:28 PM


 "a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015"  

holland: "mom, look, my new friend"

clark: by the looks of it, it seems as if you nap all of the time, when in reality i just cannot help myself from snapping these sweet pictures of you still as can be. though naps are daily over here, they never last long for you.



10:16 PM

 "a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015"  

holland: sometimes i wonder if you are two or ten. how did you grow up so fast? everyday you tell me you want to grow "big, tall, strong to touch the ceiling like daddy", and everyday i tell you, you are growing exactly how god intends you to grow and you are just right the way you are, but you my dear are never satified with that..."but i want to be big, strong, tall now" you retort

clark: sweet clark, teething on everything you can get your sweet little mouth on, the couch is no exception



10:10 PM

 "a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015"  

holland: it's blurry and out of focus but in this moment you said, "mom, take a picture!!" as you held the whisk like so before whipping up some pancakes. in this moment, a photo, blurry and all, that reminds me of your sweet little voice, your patient, steady hand as i quickly rummaged for my phone, seems more important than all the sharp, "good looking"  photos in the world

clark: late afternoon daydreams



10:04 PM

 "a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in  2015"

holland: family tickles on the trampoline

clark: babes with babes, hiking nearby hills


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