You may have noticed there was no post last week. With family in town and the Thanksgiving holiday we didn't have a whole lot of at-home meals, though we did manage to make a couple. It always seems to go that way with family in town, lots of restaurants, lots of impromptu meals...not that I really mind. I really enjoy eating out, but there is something about home cooked meals. One of the dishes we did get to last week was this Thai Honey Peanut Chicken and Tofu and oh my goodness, it was AMAZING. Yes, it was that good that it deserves all caps.
Here is what we've been eating and will eat this week:
Monday: Shrimp and chive dumplings with mixed greens and cantaloupe
Tuesday: Salmon, lentils and greens
Wednesday: Beef & broccoli
Thursday: Eggs and brown rice
Friday:Vegetable soup {straight from the freezer! it pays to make big batches} :)
Saturday: Fried rice
Sunday: Tuna and white bean salad
No recipes to share this week, all things I have made before.
Have you had anything tasty as of late?
To Patricia and her family, thank you.
Bugs first Thanksgiving. |
Hey guys,
It's been one heck of a holiday this year! The last two days have been, well a bit hectic, but totally enjoyable. Also, a little loud. I'm currently enjoying the sound of…well, nothing. We have lots of family in town, and everyone has been busy, busy. Holland had a great first Thanksgiving. He's been quite the little trooper, though we are all tired tonight. We've been taking lots of pictures. I will share those with you soon. And we have all eaten WAY too much. I am officially sick of food at this point. Though tomorrow, I will wake up hungry. Funny how that works. You'd think we could stockpile. Nope. But seriously, how convenient would that be?
Tomorrow morning we are off to the farmer's market before we say farewell to a few of our guests. And I just might decorate for Christmas. Just maybe…or at least put Fall away ;)
Loves. |
Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco |
-If you haven't been to the Yerba Buena Gardens in San Fransisco, it's a must, especially with kiddos. We went early in the week and had a blast! Between the slides, food, waterfall, bowling, skating, and carousel, there is really no reason to go elsewhere.
-Being a parent is such a gift. Life seems as it would be so dull without Holland. I can hardly imagine it anymore, and it's only been 4 months. By nature, we are SO selfish. I think children reveal just how much so. I am learning to be less self-focused. And it is a really good thing.
-Holland has found his feet! I've been waiting for this day, what entertainment they provide! Still no rolling action going on here though, he is not the slightest bit interested, and that's ok with me. I know my days of finding him exactly where I put him are numbered.
-Honey is such a powerful medicine! I've been reading more about it, and seriously, it is like the cure-all! It kicked my sore throat within hours. The hot peppers may have helped too. ;) Next up, getting rid of this cough.
-I'm starting not to dread winter as much. Seriously, I use to hate it. But so far, I'm ok with it...for the first time.
-Who has started their Christmas tunes? We are totally guilty, and I feel just fine about it. Are you one of those people with the "no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving" rule?
-Woot woot!! Family comes into town tomorrow and keeps on coming up until Thursday. I am so excited. We tend to travel for the holidays, but this year family is coming to us! It's a treat.
-Lastly, do you have a Thanksgiving tradition? We have been thinking a lot about what traditions we may or may not want to start now that we've got our Holland here with us.
Not a whole lot of fancy cooking going on here this week, but we do have some fancy new windows! Ok, not fancy, but new. So long single panes! Though the old windows are cute, they are not practical. Monday and Tuesday we weren't in the kitchen at all. In fact, the house was a crazy mess so we just sort of stayed out of the way the best we could. Tuesday we snuck away on an impromptu day trip to San Francisco. It was glorious, and seriously, the weather couldn't have been better.
Ok, so what are we eating the rest of the week?
Beef and broccoli (yep, a repeat meal. See Week 3)
Lentil sheperd's pie
Last night I made sesame veggie noodles with tofu. Another repeat meal from last week with a few alterations. This week I added a little ponzu to the oyster sauce and plopped in some tofu. The result, scrumptious. Left-overs for lunch today!
This week was all about easy. The sheperd's pie will be my one big endeavor.
What did you cook this week?
The weeks just keep on flying by. Seriously, I don't even know where the time goes. Do any of you feel like that? Anyhow, this weeks lived and learned (not that I actually posted last week or the week before that). Back to that time thing, where does it go?
-My son has his 4 month appointment tomorrow! I cannot believe it.
-I'm getting pretty excited about Christmas already even though we haven't made it through Thanksgiving yet…is it too early to decorate? ;)
-Why am I so tired? Holland is a great night sleeper. Arrg.
-I'm finally getting use to this whole dairy free thing and I am AMAZED at the amount of dessert I use to eat which I can no longer. My body probably thanks me.
-I love BONES (the tv series). Netflix finally got last season on dvd so we can finally watch it! What shows do you watch?
-These are on my wishlist, or Holland's rather. Best blankets ever. I can't wait to try this thicker version.