A little bit of heartache.
7:48 PMIt's been quiet around these parts ever since we announced our big news, and well to be honest, that's how I've felt too. One week ago tomorrow, we lost our dog. Our hearts are mending…slowly. As many of you know, he was totally a part of our family. We miss him dearly. His lack of presence has been more than felt around our home. It is amazing how much you can love a pet. With liver failure, kidney stones, and a completely blocked bladder we chose to say goodbye Tuesday afternoon, one week ago. It was the hardest decision of our lives and one of the most painful too. It was an all too short five years with our dear puggle, but a very loved five years.
Kolohe we hope you are running with the best of them.
And, well, that's where we're at. With healing hearts at the moment.
Thanks for being understanding. Be back soon.