Life as of late {according to my cell phone pictures}

5:17 PM

Well guys, Holland's a big 9 day old now. Time flies..I feel like it went by so fast. I sort of wish he could be a newborn forever. The sweet newborn stretches, the little grunts, baby smell. I love it. And believe it or not, we aren't even too sleep deprived. A little yes, but nothing to complain about. We've been out and about and loving it. Will returned to work today, so it's just the boy and I now. Luckily, he works close and we get to meet him for his lunch break.

Anyhow, here's how the past days have looked according to our cell phones. Don't worry, we've been taking lots of photos with a real camera too. This guy has some major paparazzi following him around. ;) We've got to document it while we can, we know he will grow up all too fast.

How's your week been?

We enjoyed family galore, lots of visitors, delicious meals in prepared by friends, and delicious meals out. In fact Holland's first venture out was to sushi (excluding his doctor appointment). A few good outings downtown, walks with the pup, and lots of snuggles. Of course there has been laundry and all that good stuff too, but who cares about that stuff, right?

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  1. Awe!! I love reading your blog :)
    Can you believe you made that little guy!? He is too precious



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