Father's Day Reflections
1:30 PM
A year ago yesterday, my husband and I learned of some of the best news to date. I had the honor of telling my husband father's day morning about 6am he was going to be a dad. It was a beautiful, beautiful day. He was ecstatic. I will never forget him leaping from the bed, eyes wide-opened, going from a previously very groggy state and his repeat of the words of "no way!"
A couple hours later we headed off to church and spilled the beans to nearly everyone. We could not contain our excitement nor our joy. And well, here we are a year and a day later, still awaiting the arrival of our precious babe. Just 3 weeks to go.
That father's day we learned we would indeed be parents, but we never got to meet our first child. Twelve weeks into our journey of becoming parents our child went to be with the Lord. The greatest Father of all. The few months we had with that little babe growing inside of me indeed were precious, but our God had other plans for our child. Though hard to accept, there was great comfort knowing our child was with God. Forever.
I guess my point in all of this is to trust the Lord, with all your heart. It is said that he determines when we are to enter and leave this world. He knows us from beginning to end, inside and out. He knits us together in our mother's womb. His plans for us are perfect. For any of you in a season of frustration, hurt, whatever you may be going through, I want to encourage you do not give up. I assure you, our Lord has great plans for you. Though they may not be clear to us now, and in the moment we couldn't possibly imagine something good coming from such trial, it will come.
And if you haven't already, take a moment to reflect on God as your Father. Just what that really means, in all of his goodness. We do have the greatest Father of ALL.
"For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness." James 1:3
"I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry" Psalms 40:1
-The Lord as our Help and Deliverer
Happy father's day friends, a little late.